About us 關於我們

Our story starts with an big idea and a little conversation.Having worked for Dalie’s Smokehouse in Valley Park Missouri, and gaining a true respect for their process of smoked meats and side dishes, an idea to bring that sweet flavor over to Taiwan began. Over a hearty conversation, and a few beers, planning stages were prepared to bring over a direct translation of what real Bar-B-Que is produced from the best of what local farms in Taiwan can provide. The result, is something truly special indeed. Influenced by the legend, Executive Chef Skip Steele of Pappy’s Smokehouse Saint Louis, with Mr. Peter Brickler of Tempus Saint Louis, and Chef Hunter we bring a style of BBQ unheard of in Taiwan. We hope you enjoy!

位於密蘇里州谷公園的Dalie’s Smokehouse工作的一群夥伴,對BBQ熱愛的是一股源源不絕的動力,慢火煙燻肉類和烹煮配菜的過程,展現出對食材的專業及尊重,開始萌生了將這股熱情及傳統烹煮方式帶到台灣,從研究台灣食材開始,新鮮食材的運送,如何把正宗美式Bar-B-Que端上桌? 不間斷地討論及研究,歷經兩年的規劃,Pappy聖路易斯的行政主廚Skip Steele,Peter Brickler先生和主廚Hunter 三人,帶給台灣人從未吃過的美式BBQ : Bogart!。希望每個顧客都可以吃到正宗美式B.B.Q. 更能感受到我們的熱情!